
2022-11-16 08:40:25


关于”写清明“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Write Qingming。以下是关于写清明的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write Qingming

Qingming is a day to remember the dead and their loved ones. It is a time to remember the dead and their loved ones, because it strengthens the ethics of filial piety. Qingming is an important Chinese festival, which literally means "Qingming" and "Guangming" in early spring.

The fourth day after the winter solstice is the "Spring Festival", which is a good time for the whole family to go out and clean their graves. The Chinese are pragmatic people, and the time for this tomb sweeping is extended. That is to say, a whole month has been allocated to some dialect groups in the days before and after the Tomb Sweeping Day.




Qingming Festival is an important festival to commemorate the dead and the deceased, as well as to commemorate and remember the deceased ancestors and relatives, because it strengthens the ethics of filial piety. Qingming is an important festival in China, which literally means "Qing" and "Ming". This Chinese festival is a "Spring Festival" in the early spring, the fourth day after the winter solstice.

It is a good time for the whole family to go out and clean their tombs. Tombs are given an extended period, that is, the days before and after the Tomb Sweeping Day, and a whole month is allocated among some dialect groups.




First of all, this day is a national legal holiday. Everyone will have a second festival on this day to commemorate our ancestors. Many people will go to pay homage to their relatives and friends.

This festival is to let each of us have time to mourn the deceased's relatives and friends. Even though the world does not exist, paying homage to our ancestors brings us peace of mind.




